502[33] I 61
International Industrial Ecology Conference
of the Visegrad Countries. Budapest, 8 June 2004
Bp. : Környezettudományi Központ, 2004. 114 p., ill.
ISBN 963-420-802-9


    Gunter Pauli
    From Sustainable Product and Process to Sustainable Systems. Time to Go beyond Sustainability, Time to Adopt a System's Approach  1

    János Szépvölgyi
    Industrial Ecology and Waste Processing  16

    Noel Brings Jacobsen, Stefan Anderberg
    The Evolution of Industrial Symbiotic Networks - The Case of Kalundborg  28

    András Kovács
    An Industrial Ecology Driven Research Project  39

    Péter Miklósi
    Liquid Crystal Displays in Electronic Waste  53

    Wlodzimierz A. Sokól
    Regional Environmental Management on Industrial Sites  60

    Jolanta Pakulska, Malgorzata Rutkowska
    The Responsible Care Program as a Way to Reduce the Environmental Impact of the Chemical Industry  73

    Jakub Kronenberg, Karolina Maliszewska
    Are We Prepared for the IPP in the `New' EU Member Countries?  83

    Michat Dybiec
    Environmentally Harmful Subsidies in Poland - Identification Questions  99